Wednesday, January 25, 2012

MIA....sorry peeps

-ok, ok i've been slacking, but that doesn't mean i have quit....oh no! i am on day 8 and feeling great! i went to the box on tues. and did my first crossfit workout since, oh, about november 10thish....AHHHHH!! one word - effenae! kicked. my. ass. i was barely able to move all day today and it hurt so bad that it was making me nauseated. note to self....don't ever do this again liesl! don't ever go three months without working out!! EVER!!

-ok, enough bashing. how about some updates! :) ok so some pretty big friend adma from work invited me to be on his ragnar team and i said yes....i know, crazy right!? i'm super excited though! but working out yesterday made me realize that i need to be more consistent with my crossfit. i think i've got the "diet" down pretty well and i am hoping that as i lose more weight my workouts will get easier and it will be easier to run as i train for ragnar.

-so i'm sorry that i have been missing in action for so computer is old and dying.. :( and sometimes it is hard to boot it back up. ok, that and i spend WAY to much time on pinterest....yep, i'm addicted!!

-ok, so here is what i ate today - breakfast was leftover sweet potatoes mashed up with cocnut oil melted on top with salt and pepper and a hardboiled egg. i don't really have an appetite in the morning so it doesn't take much to fill me up. lunch was a mish-mash salad of leftover chicken, guac, olives and a hardboiled egg with some salsa for dressing. and dinner was leftover spaghetti from last night (clean sauce from walmart, grass fed beef and TONS of veggies). i don't even miss the pasta at all and it is so chunky that i didn't even need to serve it over spaghetti squash. since i am the only one in my family that eats clean one meal will last me for several days so i eat a lot of the same things several days in a row, but i think that's a good thing cuz i don't get so overwhelmed with pre-planning and cooking.

-anyways, still taking the ambien but i only have a few left and i am not gonna refill it....will let you know how that goes. here i am posting at 11pm when i should be in bed so obviously i haven't been really working on that aspect of the whole30. my eating has been perfectly clean! i fought some pretty intense cold cereal (fruit loops!) cravings today, but i just drink a huge glass of water whenever i go into the kitchen and this almost always helps to ease those.

-well, no promises, but i will be better about posting, even if it's just something short and sweet. God bless and goodnight my friends! here is a reminder for me and maybe it will be for you too....i'm a little bit of a freak about quotes....hence the addiction to pinterest - LOL! :) (k, guess the pic posted at the top....still figuring out blogging...bear with me!)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

day 1

-yep day 1 is almost done....can't complain really, it's been a pretty darn good day! drank lots of water today and stayed 100% whole30 compliant, although the menu wasn't all that fancy. hardboiled eggs, banana with almond butter for breakfast, spaghetti sauce with veggies for lunch (no-sugar added ragu from walmart!!) and sausage, olives and an orange for dinner....i know, weird stuff but i haven't been hungry all day so that's a good thing, right!? i didn't have time to go to the store today like i had planned so i just ate what was on hand.

-i weighed myself this morning for a "before" weight....181.6!! i promise i will not weigh myself again until day 30....holy crap that is gonna suck for me! oh well - i really want to focus on how food makes me feel and how i feel in my clothes and during my workouts.

-one of the things i loved about my last whole30's was how my clothes just started to actually fit.....some even got loose! i found that i wasn't stretching out my husband's t-shirts so they wouldn't hug my stomach and i could actually wrap a towel ALL the way around my body after my shower. i had a brand new wardrobe of clothes that i had bought when i was heavy (ya know, to wear when i lost that now began to fit my new body. well when i had my sinus surgery i of course stopped in the middle of my 3rd whole30 and thought, hey i'll just eat "normally" through the holidays and re-start again in 2012....ya right!! though i have actually only gained back about 4 pounds, all my hard earned muscle is gone and my clothes are getting tight again which only proves that muscle does weigh more than fat and that's why my clothes fit better when i was working out and eating clean even though i stilled weighed the same. i am mad at myself for eating like crap (and feeling like crap) for over a month now. back to business!

-speaking of workouts....i haven't been to crossfit since nov. 11 of last year!! i tore my quad muscle and then had sinus surgery in dec. and just kept having excuses....blah, blah, blah. i am infamous for my "excuses" - LOL! omigosh, i am so nervous to go back and totally suck and "start" over again (i had been going fairly consistently for a year before that), but it has to be done....i miss it. i crave it. i want it to be a big part of my lifestyle so bad! so enough talking and wishing and wanting....just do it, right!? ok, i will, i will.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

my public committment

-ok, so i once heard that if you make a public committment to lose weight, or in my case, get healthy and fit, you are more apt to keep your here goes - my public committment to get healthy! i am starting a whole30 ( tomorrow and will start doing crossfit a minimum of three times a week. ok, there, i committed, now what!?

-well, let me start by saying that this will be my third whole30. to be fair i did not follow the plan exactly as outline although i did get GLORIOUS results....30 pounds gone, lots of "clean" energy and my diet coke habit kicked for good! i weighed myself everyday (i have always been obsessed with the number on the scale) and i didn't exercise and sleep as the plan suggests so for this next whole30 my plan is to follow it strictly....ALL of it!! i also want to be able to stop taking my sleeping pills (which i know i have become "dependent" on) and taking ibuprofen/excedrin for daily headaches/aches and pains. the only pills i will continue to take are my antidepressants, but i am hoping that by doing another (strict) whole30 that i will eventually be able to wean off of these and maybe just take 1 instead of three or maybe none at all.

-i know how eating clean makes me feel so i am super excited to see how getting enough sleep and exercising will make it all that much better! of course the weight loss benefits are super awesome for me as well because i have always been on the curvy side and ever since i started having kids it has gotten harder and harder for me to lose weight let alone maintain a weight. i have never felt "comfortable" in my own skin. i have always been the "chubby" friend and i don't want to be that anymore. the one thing i have always wanted and say i want every year is to feel comfy in a bathing suit....ok, let's be honest, i want to feel HOT in a bathing suit! lol. i want to show off my curves and my muscles and wear shorts without my thighs rubbing together!
-so here goes hope is to post on this blog everyday about how i am feeling and eating. maybe people will read it and maybe they won't. maybe they will be inspired....that is my hope. :)

-this is the first time i have ever "gone public" with a blog so forgive my shortcomings, my grammar and punctuation and take it for what it is....i am person just like you who just wants to feel healthy, look healthy and live a long, happy, healthy life. i cliche, but it's the truth! lol! so comment if you'd like....share ideas and let's support each other! i hate confrontations (even the on-line kind!) so if you want to start an argument about ANYTHING i probably won't answer just because,honestly, i am not that good at debating. lol. so there is my story....more details and stats and pics to come later K! have a great night and i'll talk to you tomorrow....day1.